The qb- means it will run silently though not prompt on error say if the Adobe Bridge was installed by Photoshop CS2 it will just skip that line. Msiexec /i \\zenmaster\APPS\ZfdsMSIs\AdobeIllustratorCS2\stockphotography\AdobeStockPhotos1-0.msi /qb.

Msiexec /i \\zenmaster\APPS\ZfdsMSIs\AdobeIllustratorCS2\helpcenter\AdobeHelpCenter1-0.msi /qb. Msiexec /i \\zenmaster\APPS\ZfdsMSIs\AdobeIllustratorCS2\commonfilesinstaller\AdobeCommonFileInstaller.msi /qb. Msiexec /i \\zenmaster\APPS\ZfdsMSIs\AdobeIllustratorCS2\bridge\AdobeBridge1-0.msi /qb. Msiexec /i \\zenmaster\APPS\ZfdsMSIs\AdobeIllustratorCS2\AdobeIllustratorCS2.msi transforms=\\zenmaster\APPS\ZfdsMSIs\AdobeIllustratorCS2\AdobeIllustratorCS2.mst /qb I then created a setup.bat batch file that contains the following lines: I entered those above mentioned registry entries into an mst that I created with installshield editor and made some other unimportant changes to shortcuts and such. I copied the:Ībcpy.ini (entering only the serial number and company name) I ran the setup in a virtual machine pulling all fo the legacy files out.